We love the MISSION!
Aberdeen-Edgewood Silver Chapter of the United States Warrant Officers Association is a U.S. military service organization that serves as the areas preeminent professional association supporting Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Warrant Officers in all components and statuses as well as their families and moreover the community. Members of this organization are comprised of Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, and Retired Warrant Officers from the contiguous area.
We love the MISSION!
To enhance relationships within the community and surrounding areas that promote comradery, esprit-de-corps, high morale, and unity amongst the members of the chapter.
Remember to book your tickets!
New York
Fri 27 Nov 2016
Praesent tincidunt sed tellus ut rutrum sed vitae justo.
Sat 28 Nov 2016
Praesent tincidunt sed tellus ut rutrum sed vitae justo.
San Francisco
Sun 29 Nov 2016
Praesent tincidunt sed tellus ut rutrum sed vitae justo.